Join the liturgical team and become an altar server. Serve on the Altar of our Lord during funeral Mass, special events, and occasional weekends.
Join others in studying sacred Scripture and dive into the mysteries of the Bible. Please see the bulletin for new programs and studies.
Assist those learning to become Catholic by being a godparent (sponsor), providing snacks during classes (hospitality), or teaching assigned topics (instructor resources provided). This group meets every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in the parish office, beginning in September and ending in May.
Help the Sacred Heart of Jesus School with this very important fundraiser. Many and various opportunities are available. This fundraiser is held the second Sunday in October.
This group oversees maintence of parish buildings and grounds, including clean-up and repairs. If interested in helping, contact the Parish Office.
Help prepare and serve lunch for the children. Assist in cleaning up afterwards. ***Clearences are Required**
Lead the assembly in song during weekend Masses (4:00 p.m. Saturday; 7:30 and 11:00 a.m Sunday). Training is available.
Assist with the Maintenance of our parish cemetery. If interested in helping, please contact the Parish Office.
Sing as part of ensemble for Mass and special events. Rehearsals are held Wednesdays in the choir loft following 7:00 p.m. Mass.
This group seeks to promote respect for and protection of human life, from natural conception until natural death.
The Finance Council advises the pastor on matters concerning parish finances, in order to help maintain a healthy, vibrant parish.
Sing as part of ensemble for Funeral Masses. No regular meeting times; however, it is suggested that members also be part of the Choir, if possible.
Help at funeral luncheons to set up, cook, serve, and clean up for funeral luncheons. Contact Kay Parker via the parish office for more information.
Welcome people as they arrive at Mass and distribute bulletins as they leave.
The Knights are a group of men who, through social and intellectual fellowship among members and their families, promote educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief, and public relief works. Our Sacred Heart Knights meet once a month on Tuesday evenings and hold various activities for the parish and community. The Knights of Columbus is open to men 18 years old or older.
This group consists of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, readers, cantors, altar servers, greeters, and ushers. Serving the Lord on the Altar is one of the most precious gifts you can give.
This group helps with the liturgical environment and maintain the sacristy and sanctuaty for worship.
If your child is a member of our parish and not enrolled at Sacred Heart School, please register him or her up for weekly religious instruction held on Sundays during the school year. Contact Marcie Cirota via the Parish Office to register your child or to volunteer as a teacher, substitute teacher, or classroom aide.
Pray for prayer requests made known to the parish. There is an e-mail chain and a phone chain, you may be on both or just one.
Proclaim the readings during the celebrations of Holy Mass.
Join other ladies for a monthly outing and fellowship.
Committed to an hour of Adoration of the Holy Eucharist on each First Friday of the month.
A consultative body to the pastor and principal to help inform and guide their decisions on policy matters affecting the parish school. The Board meets the second Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the school. For more information, contact the school at 717-248-5351.
Have you ever wondered how our church stays so beautiful? Assist our sacristans with washing altar linens, cleaning the marble, putting up and taking down banners and linens during special times of the Liturgical Year, and many other behind-the-scenes tasks. Sacristans meet as needed throughout the year, mostly during the day.
Assist with outreach to the poor and needy. Training is available. Members meet once a month to plan meals for the needy, which are provided every third Saturday of the month. Office hours are Tuesdays Fridays 9:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. at the SVDP office. For more information call the St Vincent office at (717) 363- 4812 or email us at
Take collection at Mass and assist with seating.
Join the Vacation Bible School group to make a fun, faith-filled week during summer break. Contact the parish office (717-242-2781).